Homemade Bone Broth

HOMEMADE BONE BROTH- nothing better!

I use about 4-5 large bones with marrow and meat (I usually use calf leg or shoulder - you can use any type of meat you want - just look for grass fed. You can also throw in poultry too but make sure everything is bone-in)

  1. First blanch the meat! This will help the color of the broth and get rid of any bloody looking water. Boil the bones for 10-15 min then drain.

  2. Now roast the meat: I would recommend adding the veggies 10 min into roasting the meat so they don’t get extra charred. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, on meat and veggies. The veggies I used were: 4-6 garlic cloves, two yellow onions, 3-4 carrots, you can also add celery but add the veggies in after 10 min of roasting. Roast on 400°F for 30 minutes.

  3. Broth makin time: Then fill a large pot with water all the way to the top. Doesn’t matter how much it is because you are going to keep adding water if needed to ensure the bones are fully submerged. Then add in 2 tb of apple cider vinegar. I add some spices at this time too (Turmeric, salt, cracked black pepper, cumin, thyme, and cayenne. About 1 tbs of each) Then transfer the meat and veggies into the pot. Bring to a boil then cover with a lid and turn the heat down to low (level 3). Let this simmer for 8-12 hours . The longer the better. If the water starts getting low, add more from a hot kettle. If you are unable to cook for that long (aka you may need to sleep so please don’t keep your stove on) you can transfer the pot to fridge and resume the next day.

  4. After at least 8-12 hours drain the liquid and this part is up to you. You can either just keep that broth or I prefer to purée the veggies into the broth as well. I take an immersion blender to the bone with added veggies and this is how I drink/use the broth. I typically add in more salt, pepper, cayenne, and chives to this. Each day I will have a glass of broth with juice of half a lemon and it was so freaking tasty!

Leftover meat: after 8-12 hours of cooking the meat will literally fall off the bone. I like to pick the meat off and make tacos with the slow cooked meat and it is sooo good! Will share that recipe soon 💗

I know this seems like a lot but really you aren’t doing much besides being at home while the meat cooks. I make this weekly and I can’t recommend it enough! Especially for collagen purposes. Most collagen powders or pills are actually ineffective and just do a great job at marketing. Plus, you rarely know what’s actually in those supplements so why not make your own at home 😋


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